Category: Short Stories

There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum means available, but the majority have suffered ration in some form

The Grief Collector

The Twin Karl Odegaard felt there was business to take care of that day beyond errands, and that there was something that needed to be

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Immediate Seconds

Edie poured the coffee in dark channels into the coffee cup. She sat down at the table and started to sip the cheap hot liquid,

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Old Bill Burns had woken that morning feeling terrible, and had sat crumpled up and fetus-like on the living room carpet next to the space

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George’s ford

            George loved the beat-up sky blue ’74 Ford pickup that had seen its up’s and down’s and looked accustomed to the worst. By the

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The stick pin

It was a small Aescalapius’ symbol of healing, miniature snakes twined around a miniature staff, that glimmered like silver to attract a raven that was

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Prisoned Lacey Jones sat at the wooden kitchen table eating from a wood grain locked white porcelain bowl of cereal. An African Gray Parrot shifted

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The Grief Collector

The Grief Collector Steve Kerm stepped onto the creaking wooden porch, meeting the gentle spring airs that were cool and moist to the touch, and

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